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Why start an email list? Email is the only way to *algorithm proof* your biz and allow you to keep in contact with your potential and existing customers! Creating an email list is the KEY to sustainability and helping you weather any storm that comes along.

So, when should you start an email list? NOW! Even if you're just starting a business, email should be your focus! The thing with email is, it compounds over time...the more you nurture it, the more it will grow! It's like my mom's garden...she's got such a good green thumb! :)

Sign up for account with ConvertKit here! 
(This is my affiliate link which means I get a small kickback if you purchase. This helps support all the free content I love sharing with you. And don't you worry—I fully vetted it and stand behind it 100%). 

Still a skeptic? Let's have a glance at how my email list has affected my business over the years:

Over the last 3 years, I've generated over $350,000 directly from my email list...which is MUCH smaller than my flashy Instagram following! I've been able to develop relationships and deeper intel about my audience and their needs and have grown my business 5x each year, directly because of my email list.


We've got more freebies for ya!

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Pinterest Keyword Research Guide

What does Pinterest have to do with an email list?! It's a search engine! It's also  the best way to generate more traffic to your opt-in forms and freebies! Make that content irresistible and you'll have new subscribers comin' out your pretty little ears!

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3-Email Welcome Sequence 

Don't know what to send to your email list? I've got my very own emails in a plug & play template! Just edit the copy to reflect YOUR brand and you're good to go! We send 12 total emails in our welcome sequence, but this will get you started!

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Hey! I'm Jenna Rainey.

Before you go any further, I want you to know that I'm glad you're here. By you showing up here, that tells me that you're eager...

Eager to learn, eager to grow and eager to give back to your community!

And that's why I created these resources for you! I believe the creative community can provide SO much good to this world. With everything that is going on right now - the uncertainty, the fear, etc. it's important to me to strengthen and give back to his community. 

While we can't control the events that are unfolding around us, we CAN control our reaction to them. It's time to hunker down and start the thing we keep putting off: OUR EMAIL LIST!

Don't forget to download those free resources and watch the video 15 times if you have to! I got you, beau!

xo, Jenna

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You're invited to join my free online community of artists, designers, photographers, name it...looking for practical advice to grow their business and make more money!